Monday, May 24, 2010

Is this a good food to be feeding my guinea pig?

and we feed him a petco type hay that they have in stores and we use this as his bedding

should i change it because it is not rated good?
Fiesta is one of the worst guinea pig foods, sorry. Anything with colored bits is crap, and if it contains seeds (choking hazard) that's even worse. You want a plain pellet.
Oxbow, Mazuri, Kaytee Fortidiet or Timothy Complete, or Kleenmama's Hayloft (available online) are MUCH better options.
I've used that bedding and found it to be a bit dusty. I'd go get a big bag of aspen or kiln-filtered pine shavings. Yoo could also try towels or fleece as bedding.
No salt wheels! as another poster recommended. Guinea pigs don't need extra salt in their diet any more than you do.
the food is bad the bedding is good but since its not aa very big bag it could get expensive. just get the biggest bag of bedding you can
dont feed it that food because mix is bad for guinea pigs. they can choke on the bits and develope lazy eating habits (it picks what it likes to eat and doesnt eat the rest) just feed it plain pellets and if you can get this brand
or just a reliable plain pellet. i have timothy complete guinea pig food. also make sure the food is based on timothy hay
This particular food isn't the best. It focuses more on being appealing to customers than on providing what your guinea pig needs. Guinea pigs should not eat seeds because they easily choke on them. You will want to find a plain timothy hay pellet based food that has vitamin c added to it. Oxbow is a trustworthy brand. The bedding is fine but somewhat expensive. I prefered Carefresh bedding when I had my guinea pig.
Switch foods. Guinea pigs should have a plain pellet with nothing mixed in. Oxbow brand is best.
Guinea pig's daily diet should include
Unlimited amounts of timothy hay
1 cup vitamin C rich veggies for every 1 pound of body weight (strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, collards, spinich, carrots, parsley, cucumber, ect.)
1/4 cup of plain pellet food
My sister's guinea pig eats regular rodent pellet food and he is very happy and healthy. He also loves to have a salt wheel to lick and his favorite treat is yogurt drops which they sell in all major pet stores.
Cute guinea pig by the way! :)
its all fine. you sound like you really care about your piggie.
that food is fine. that bedding is fine. your guinea sounds well cared for
enjoy him!
Plain pellets is usually better, along with unlimited hay and fresh veggies with the occasional fruit
The food is bad. You need a plain pellet. Oxbow and KM's Hayloft are best. However, if you must get something else, get Mazuri PLAIN pellets or Kaytee PLAIN pellets. No colorful crap or seeds.
That bedding is not the worst. I've used it and it's really dusty and stinks (in my opinion)
The food is BAD, the colourful bits and seeds can get caught between their teeth and the guinea pig can even choke on it. You should stop using it NOW, and switch to a PLAIN pellet, I would recommend oxbow for the pellets.
Your guinea pig needs Cavy Performance because he is under the age of 6 months, this is an alfalfa based pellet (from my understanding) and is great for the health of your guinea pig. You can order the pellets online although alternatively you can use the store locater:
As for the hay, timothy hay is wayy to strong for a guinea pig under the age of 6 months, you should be using alfalfa hay. I would recommend Kleenmamas Hayloft:
I have not used the bedding before, I now use fleece (which I would recommend), but just by looking at the comments and the details on this site and the other site it sounds like it is smelly and dusty. To solve both of these problems I would switch to fleece.
i give mine meadow sweet scented hay from wilkonsons also avalaible in pretty much any pet shop

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