Monday, May 24, 2010

Is this a typical reaction for Teddy Bear Hamsters?

So I just go my Teddy Bear Hamster today. I know you should not touch your Hamster for at least 24hrs the pet store told me 5 days/
Well my hamster managed to get out of its cage as soon as I left it alone (I had not attached a piece properly, fixed now, checked the cage for any other issues).
So imagine my surprise when I come out of the kitchen and it is sitting on its cage. I gently cupped my hands around him/her (I really do not know) but she freaked out, I almost dropped her, but didn't.
I expected her to bit me but instead she peed on me, is this a good or a bad sign?
Actually, I'd say good. All my baby hamsters have peed and pooed on me a bit for a while.. usually until they're 10 - 12 weeks old.. I think it's a baby hamster thing, maybe they haven't quite got full control.
Anyway, the good is because a scared hamster would have bitten, or squeaked a lot.
I'd say now leave her until tomorrow, and start handling then.
5 days is a long time for a hamster.. the older they get, the harder to handle. I've always held mine to put them into the cage, and started picking thme up for a short time the very next day. All were OK with this.
Congrats on your new baby :D
Your hamster probably peed on you because it was nervous. However, I know of many hamsters that have peed while being handled even when they are not stressed. They just don't seem to think it's inappropriate. Don't worry about waiting to handle your hamster. You should try to get to know her right away. Don't harass her, but let her know you're safe to be around. You may try letting her out in a secure area and let her walk around.
Pet her gently.
Just means that your syrian hamster was scared. Leave it until tomorow. In the evening just slowly place a bit of food in your hand and lay your hand flat on the bottom of your cage when your hamster is awake. This will help him/her to be less scared. All animals react diferently when they join a new family.
Hoped this helped :)
It simply means that she was frightened.
It's common for hamsters to be a bit on the nervous side when you first handle them. Lots of handling, patience, and approaching her quietly will rid her of this habit. Don't worry too much.
I think she peed because she got a little scared. Leave her alone for just a day or two and come back to it. When you first touch the teddy, put a pinky out and then, if it lets you, pet with the pinky, then one finger at a time as you pull the tiny creature into your hand. Just be as gently as possible, I think this will work.
If it doesn't, then ask the pet store people or the vet, if you can. I hope this helps. :)
Hamster's pee when they are nervous. probably she/he is not used to your smell yet. Put some food in your hand and extend your hand in the cage and the hamster should come to your hand he should eat from there. It migh take a while,
your hamster was most likly frightened!
so i wouldnt worry.

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