Saturday, May 9, 2009

Is it good to put a normal size hamster in a aquarium? How big should it be?

Depends on what a "normal size" hampster is. I had two dwarf hampsters, then a litter of 5 and the mother, minus the father in a 10 gallon tank. If it's a little bit bigger hampster like a teddy bear, black bear, or golden you'd prolly want at least a 20 gallon, long not tall. Also make sure you have a wheel and/or a ball so they get plenty of exercise. Putting a hampster in an aquarium is perfectly safe, just make sure that you clean them out at least once a week so it don't get too smelly.
By the way, to the people that comment about water in the tank- you are retarted.
Depends if theres water in it :P
well i put mine in a 30-40 gallon tank
you need at least a 30 gallon tank
No! They can't swim - try a terrarium. :) You want enough room for the hampster to run - don't use the sizes at the pet store to guide you - they cramp them so tight that many die before anyone can buy them. A 20 gallon size should be good - go with the long versions - not tall.
i had 2 hamsters in like a 30-40 gallon tank before.
it is good to put it in an aquarium because then they cant chew there way out of the cage. the tank should be atleast 10 to 20 gallons to give it lots of room to play.
dont put them in water they will die!
Please do not home a hamster in an aquarium, it breaks my heart. Its so restricting for them, and can get really hot and smelly for them. Wired cages are more popular, because hamsters can climb and get a good circulation of air.
15 gallons would be GREAT
aquariums can work, but arnt a very good choice. They are very hard to clean, get smelly faster, and can cause respatory problems for the hamster since there isnt good air ventilation
It would be much safer, look better, and easier to clean if you just use a simple wire cage. Not one of those crazy tube town, full of mazes and bright colors, just a simple floor, and wire wall cages, thats what i use with my 4 hasmters and they are much better than when i used to use tanks.
NO. Think of the air circulation an aquarium. Your hamster willl not be able to breathe properly. The smell of the cage will be horrible and your hamster will be breathing that in times 100. It can cause respiratory problems.

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