Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is it okay to move my hamster out of my room at night if it's keeping me up?

I would!
Sure, I used to put the cage in the bathtub at night. I would let my hamster stay in there with the door open so he could be free in the bath tub without gettin lost. Just 2 things: make sure no water is in there...and make sure the drain is closed or covered...just to be safe.
If you did your researc before you got a hamster you would have learned that they sleep all day and are awake all night. So...if you really want to take it out of your room I don;t think you hamster will mind!
Well, first you should figure out what the hamster is doing to make so much noise. If it's squeaky wheel is keeping you awake, then take the wheel out at night. Otherwise, how could taking the hamster out of your room at night possibly hurt it? If the people you live with don't care where you put the hamster (and the hamster certainly will not care) then bye-bye hamster!
That's what I would do with mine before he died. Hamsters really don't seem to care.
Of course! Just very gently move their cage outside. i do it all the time. mine are just used to moving everynight. They get very used to rutine so make sure if you want to move them you keep a schedule, otherwise they will get very nervous and confused.
(just as long as you move them when you go to bed they shouldnt get confused. it doesnt have to be a set time)
my cousin used to do that because her hamster was making a lot of noise, so she put him in her closet.
I don't think that's very nice, imagine if someone did that to you...
But for a hamster, as long as you put him in a dark place, far away from heat or air conditioning, it should be Ok, because hamsters like the dark.
If it's not your hamster that's making noise, but his wheel, you could try buying a new silent one.
You can't hange his night habits, but you can maybe try to wake him up a little earlier each day, like 9:00 PM, then 8:45, etc...And make him do a bit of exercise, so that when he's done, he will be tired and might go back to sleep until like 11...
I'm a heavy sleeper, so the noise that my hamster makes doesn't bother me. He doesn't make that much noise anyways...
of course! I always used to as they are very noisey. As long as you dont move them into another cage he will be fine. Best to keep them downstairs so they can socialise and not so noisey at night. If wheel is noisy try putting cage on a towel or put butter on back of wheel to stop squeak!
I do that. I just make sure the room is safe in case they were to escape, and shut the door to keep our cat out. I put there wheels in and let 'em go. I put them in our bathroom or guestroom. It's nice and dark in there so that when they do go to sleep, its dark. Hope you sleep better!
p.s. I give both my hams a little leaf of lettuce before bed every couple of nights, it keeps them quiet for longer, they love lettuce!
Course it is, your hamster doesn't mind what room it's in as long as it's in it's own house! (and the room isn't too cold or draughty and there are no cats or dogs around to pester it).
I can never bear keeping my rodents in the room I sleep in, they're so noisy and I need silence to be able to sleep! My spare room is my rodent room.
yes definitely. i have two gerbils and two hamsters in my bedroom and on a night before i go to bed i put them in the bathroom and put them back on a morning. it doesnt harm them at all. good luck
of course just make sure its not too cold or hot.
Of course it's ok! Do whatever makes you happy, but try not to compromise the happiness of your little friend too!
The first thing you should do is find out what is making the noise and try to solve that. Anything you can do to keep your hamster in your room, I think you should try. The reason I say you should do anything you can to keep her in your room is because as soon as you move her (depending on your personality) you may give her less attention. When I moved my guinea pigs out of my room because I developed allergies to them, I still took care of them, but paid less attention to them since I didn't see them as much.
If you can't stop whatever is making the noise and have to move her, make sure the new location doesn't have a draft, isn't in direct sunlight, has low humidity, and is light and bright. Also, a high traffic area where many people will pass by the cage is a good idea; this way, every time someone passes her, they will notice her and give her some attention.
Hopefully you can find a solution that will make both you and your hampster happy! Good luck.
why wouln't it be ok, they are still in their cage right


  1. Answers: I would! Sure, I used to put the cage in the bathtub at night. I would let my hamster stay in there with the door open so he could be free ...

  2. Please don’t take away your hamsters wheel at night, as they are nocturnal and NEED the wheel to burn energy at night. You can buy silent wheels, or do what I do and bring them out to the living room or other room at night so they don’t wake you up. Taking away their wheel is cruel.
