Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Is it ok for guinea pigs to eat bannanas?

Please answer
Like all fruit, bananas should be given in very small amounts. Bananas (and fruit in general) have a lot of sugar and water in them, which can lead to diarrhea and diabetic shock. Some people have have problems with the potassium in bananas and their pig's electrolyte system. SO, if you do give banana, very small amounts and only occasionally.
*Fruits are okay to use in small quantities and as treats only. Veggies should make up your pig's fresh produce part of their diet.
Read up on the internet, sorry I am not sure.
Yes it is
i dont know..
Yes! but only in very small amounts. you don't want it to have the runs. lol. %26 make sure you break it into little pieces so it wont choke!
No, rodents shouldn't eat bananas- my kid read it in a book!
Well, in small quantities but it would be better for them to eat banana chips...
Yes! Guinea pigs love all types of fruit. Citrus fruits are the best fruit for them because of all the vitamin C but don't feel like you have to limit them. They're foragers by nature, so feel free to give them grass, fruit, veggies, even some yogurt drops. Enjoy, happy guinea pigs are fun to watch jump around!
i have to yes its fine if they dont eat it they dont like it trust me i know
My guinea pigs love bananas--they even eat the peel! They also like red bananas--mini bananas with a dark red peel.
My piggies love bananas! Too bad for them, I'll only give them a nibble off the one I'm eating.
MemphisGal gave you some accurate info. Keep all fruits to a minimum (treats only) and not given every day. They are high in sugar.
I feed my 3 piggies bannanas once a week they love them

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