Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is my hamster sick...?

I'm scared she is sick, but I'm not sure exactly. She is a Syrian teddy bear hamster, and shes only about 1 month old. It might be a common cold because I bought her a few days ago and it was raining, so possibly some rain got on her and she got a chill. She sometimes shivers but I've never seen her sneeze. She grooms herself a lot and she sleeps all day, only sometimes getting up to eat, drink and go to bed again. If it is the common cold will she get better by just resting and sleeping in a warm place? Do you think she will die? I don't think my parents will let me go and take her to the vet:( I don't think its wet tail because she poops pellets instead of mushy stuff, her eyes are okay and normal and her tail isn't wet. There might be nothing wrong with her and she might be perfectly healthy and I'm just over worrying but I really wanna be sure. Thanks!
Hamsters are nocturnal they sleep all day.
the vet
your hampster might just be very lazy
Take her to the vet, that's what they are for.

It could also be wet tail, my hamster ha it and died a few days after she got it. Go to the vet to be sure.
Hamsters sleep all day, they are nocturnal. I don't think there is anything wrong with her at all. I would only be worried when she starts sneezing (if she does). Or if you notice any other unusual behavior.
hamsters are nocturnal, most active at night , so sleeping all day is what they do. I think she will be fine if she is kept out of drafts and is warm . Check her each evening and see if she gets worse.
Hamster are nocturnal. It's completely normal behavior. and it's normal for a hamster to groom themselves a lot. My hamster acts exactly like you described but shes perfectly healthy. I suggest that you dont worry about it. Hope this helps!
it is completely normal for a hamster to sleep during the day. and if she is less active thats ok 2 because when u have a new hamster they will be less active until they get to know their cage better.. if she does sneeze put her in a warm temp place or under a light . have fun with ur new hamster ;0
Seems she is feeling cold. Do give it a temp warmer. Fill a disposable glove with luke warm water and tie a dead knot.
Good luck:)

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