Saturday, May 22, 2010

Is owning a pet hamster a big responsibility?

Owning any pet is a big responsibility. You are taking control of the life and wellbeing of another living thing, for as long as its natural lifespan may be...with some animals that can be decades.
Whenever you are thinking of getting a pet, get a lot of information on the animal and its requirements, and think it over.
It's a big commitment.
owning any pet is. might be a little less then a dog but it is still a big responsibility
Well, not as big as a dog, that is just probably okay. You can figure out yourself when I finish telling you what to do and I'll give you my opinion alright?
*Feed them/give water
*Clean their cage (if you don't want your house to be stinky)
*If you have 2 hamsters different genders, they give birth a whole lot
*Buy them toys (wheel to run in or a hamster ball)
*Buy them food
*You can't touch them as much as dogs and cats because they might die
*Buy them a cage
I'm pretty sure love is needed.
I think it's not so hard but it is a big responsibility, but they are pretty stinky since you can't bathe them and clean them. But I guess it is a big responsibility, but if you don't put your mind, love and thought into owning a pet then it's no fun at all.
Just to tell you they can poop on your hand when you hold them up, and they jump down everything even if it's high up since they don't know anything and their brains are teensy. So be careful
Good Luck and have time to think about it 'kay?
I hope it helps
Kevin =D
no its not, it sounds like it but its easy, the only hard part is cleaning the cage because hamsters poop in corners and you have to scrub it really hard to take out the stains
Kind of depends on how much time you have. You need to keep its cage clean clean it once a week or so... fresh pellets and even scrubbing it down with pet soap... You also need to change its water and food everyday. And you need to give it plent of attention because it can go wild if you don't pay attention to it for more than 8 days straight. I'd get a teddy bear hamster...
No, they are actuall one of the easiest pets to take care of. I have one. They are VERY inexpensive and they do not need much. These are there biggest needs.
A nice roomy cage with a wheel and nesting house.
Food each morning about 1 tbs for a Syrian and a little less for a dwarf.
TLC (tender love and care)
Cage to be cleaned once a week.
I love having a hamster and they make great pets. They are also nocturnal. They rin there wheel pretty much all night too and make sure you get a Silent Spinner wheel. They do not squeak either. If you need more info visit this website:
Hope this helped:)
Well, it depends on what you think is big responsiblity. Hamsters need to have their cages cleaned once a week. They also need to be let out for about 10 minutes or more every day, to get exercise. Another thing, is that, sometimes, they can't be cheap. Also, if you have any other pets, that could harm your hamster, you will have to either keep your hamster's cage up high, or in a different room. There are more things that A hamster needs, and favores the most, but, this is just a small chart showing to you, if you think that they are a BIG responsabilty, or not. I hope that this answers your question! Thanks, and good luck,
~ Future Vet
Owning any pet is a big responsibility. You're in charge of every need this animal has. Do plenty of research into the care of a species before ever buying it! I can't tell you how many people I know who've bought an animal because it's "cute" and then found out how much work it really was!
Hamsters need to be handled daily (and not just for 5 mins eather! I'm talking at least an hour a day) Their cages need to be cleaned at least once a week (despite the fact that many people say it can go longer: let's keep the animal's health up and give them sanitary conditions to live in, hmm?)
I've had a hamster once. It is was a responsibility, but it wasn't HUGE. I mean i liked to play with my hamster a lot!! If you dont have time to actually handle it then you can alway buy and hamster ball and let it roll around somewhere, just make sure you keep and eye on it so it doesn't like roll down the stairs or get trapped somewhere. you also have to take great care of it like cleaning its cage out and putting new bedding in it and giving it water and food. oh-they LOVE fruits and veggies. like grapes,strawberries,broccli,ca... and simple stuff like that. just don't give them avocados. IT WILL KILL HAMSTERS, at least that's wat i heard!
not really, you have to feed him clean out his cage and occasionally take him out and hold him. They're fairly low maintenance.
no so. but u have to clean the cage every week or so. and change the food and water everyday. and play with it.
Every pet is a big responsibility.
Hamsters need love %26 alot of attention from their owners.
They also need food,water,a cage,bedding, and toys to play with.
it is a big responsibility. they are just easy to maintain. not too much trouble

1 comment:

  1. owning any pet is. might be a little less then a dog but it is still a big responsibility ...
