Monday, May 24, 2010

Is this enjoyable for my hamster?

Is this enjoyable for my hamster so far, it has some untreated wood i give it to chew, the cage=tunnels(like 3-4)+wheel+2 floors+2 decks between them, paper towel role and ball to role in.
He's probably having the time of his life!
Hamsters love courses like that! You sound like you are doing a great job!
why wouldn't he, hes got like a pimped out house?
i think he would love it! my hamster does his cage doese not have 2 floors ...though
Yes I am sure your hamster is very You have a nice sized cage and lots of stuff in it! Your hamster is a having fun!
ya! that sounds like fun for hamsters! they love stuff like that
That's really up to the hamster... if he plays in them frequently then yes, you would think he's happy.
yes it's fine, also petsmart sells edible huts for them

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