Monday, May 24, 2010

Is this normal for hamsters?

well i bought him some foodmix for hamsters at the pet store that the manager suggested i get, but he is only eating the seeds! i was wondering if its ok that he is only eating the seeds and nothing else. also i have been giving him little pieces of lettuce and carrots. he is a male syrain.
it is fine!! He is just a little picky...To rid this habit don't give him more food till he eats the rest of his food too. If he is hungry he will, trust me. Don't want to waste good money too!
I have two hamsters who get the foodmix type of hamster food. They each have their favorite things they eat out of it and leave the things they don't at the bottom of the bowl. You might want to try different brands of mix and see if he prefers those. Also, continue giving him bits of fresh vegetables and fruit. My hamsters love seedless grapes, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, and strawberries. Petstores also sell special treats such as yogurt drops.
My hamsters do it, too. They don't always like the other stuff. My hams, they pick%26#92;choose there favorite things. One will take ONLY seeds, the other will take seeds, and maybe these little red 'cereal' looking things. All the rest, is history. Soon I'm going to switch them to just organic pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds at my local health-food store. And carrots,letuce, and apples. They can live longer without the other stuff, anyways. And it's cheaper!
I had gerbils, and they did the same thing. It's not too unhealthy, but a diet of only seeds might be pretty fattening. But hamsters. can be picky, so as long as he gets excercise, he should be fine.
Please don't give the hamster any Iceberg lettuce, it's bad for them and may cause diarrhea. The carrots are fine to give. We started feeding our hamsters and other small animals the hoard their food every couple of days to get them to eat all their food. The pellets are alfalfa and they need this for digestion and to trim their teeth on. He has stored food in the cage and needs to eat this before you give more. We use small bowls and fill them partly full, like I said, every couple of days. We still throw out a good bit of food at cage cleaning time even with doing this.
LOL! He is as picky about his hamster mix as my male syrian!
Yes, hamsters are naughty when it comes to being selective with their hamster mix. Mine turns his nose up at the brown pellets, and dives straight in for the nuts and seeds. This will not affect your hamsters health at all. Give him a varied selection of small pieces of fresh fruit and veg, and hang a cereal chew bar in his cage.
IMy male syrian is 14 months old now, and im sure you will agree they are the most wonderful pets, Very laid back and chilled!

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