Saturday, May 22, 2010

Is there any real difference between rats?

pet rats, street rats. Other than varying degrees of cleanliness are they biologically all the same?
I know lab rats are bred for certain qualities but if pet and lab rats were released into the alley wouldnt they become just as filthy as alley rats?
Wild rats are more resistant to disease than pet rats because the rats we have as pets are the same species as the rats used in laboratory testing. Those rats have been deeply inbred to enhance different qualities: coat color, health, myco resistance, temperment, mass production breeding for big pet store chains and as food (very likely). Lab rats also get genetically engineered for whatever experimentation is to be done. They are much more susceptible to cancer and illnesses due to weakened immune systems.
While pet rats live an average of 2-3 years, rats in the wild average about a year, but many don't even make it that far. They usually die from things like starvation and getting caught as dinner before they die of illness.
no they would not live they would die cause a pet rat and a ally rats are different ally rats can live with trash as food but pet rats cant they will more then likly be food for other rats
No, of course not. A domestic rat would not survive any longer in the wild than any other domestic animal. If a rat is born domestic, it stays that way. I have owned pet rats for many years and if I were to release my rat outside it would run under a shelter and stay there scared to death.
To me, all rats are stinky, filthy creatures. There's really no difference in my mind.
Pet rats are bred specifically to be pets, and they are quite different from wild rats. Wild rats are of the species House Rats or rattus rattus, while pet rats are bred from the species rattus norvegicus, also called Norway Rat or brown rat. Physically they differ in that their head is a somewhat different shape - the house rat has a shorter snout and smaller ears. The original brown rat is a color hard to find these days if you look for a pet rat - these days in terms of color and pattern you can get a huge variety - there even are dalmatian rats, hairless rats, tailless rats, even dwarf rats that are available as pets. And any coat color or variety can be found as either with regular ears or dumbo ears - dumos are always really cute, their ears are bigger and situated somewhat lower on their head. It is true that a pet rat would not survive very long in the wild, it would probably end up fairly quickly as prey for a cat or big bird.
Wild rats are just as clean as pet rats. Of course they live in filthier conditions, but they clean themselves just as often as pet rats do. Rats are actually licking their coats more often times per day than a cat or dog, and that goes for wild and pet rats.
They all share common ancestors but a domesticated rat doesn't have the required skills to survive in the wild. Pet rats also have had some of the common genetic disease bred out .

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