Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is it okay for a gerbil to live alone?

My brother has always had mice, which made me always want a gerbil. However, when I went to the pet store, they told me that gerbil were social creatures and liked to live together and I should probably buy two. I know this is true, but is it okay to have one gerbil live on it's own?... or do they act differently?
I found out the hard way. Yes, they are better when they have a friend. Mine apparently became so alone that it quit eating and eventually died. I've had to live with that ever since.
Probably be a lot nicer to have some company. Happy gerbils behave differently from unhappy gerbils. I'm pretty sure the same goes for most any animals. Just remember that "two's company and three's a crowd". You don't want any love triangles here.
Yes, absolutly so long as it is cared for well it will be fine.
Besides, gerbills reproduce quickly so unless you know you get two of the same sex (which can be bad because they sometimes fight) I wouldn't get more than one unless you want many gerbils.
So long as the gerbil gets a chance to run and be active and is fed, watered, and clean another gerbil shouldn't effect it's life span.

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