Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is it safe to feed gerbils strawberries?

I ate a strawberry, and didn't wash my hands that well before playing with my gerbils... and one of them was sniffing my hand and attempted to eat my finger. So, it's probably from the strawberry that made my gerbil try to do that, right? And it must mean that my gerbil wanted to eat the strawberry.
Is it safe to feed a gerbil strawberries?
I mean i guess they could but i would stick with something else and it seems to me that your Gerbil wants something new i make special things. ill tell you one you could try.. ok i mix peanut butter with normal gerbil food and i put some of the thing my gerbils love like peanuts. and i mix it all together and cook in oven til is hot and then i take it out and let cool til warm then feed it to my gerbils they love it!!! :)
Okay but never feed gerbils to strawberries.
yeah, DO IT!
I don't think that they should eat strawberries
dried stawberries.
I guess it would be ok but it wouldnt be very good if you fed them too much or their stomachs will get acidic and they will get diarreah (sorry dont know how to spell that word!) so I would just lay off of it. but since they just sniffed your hand it would be ok.
yes it is totaly safe because i have 3 gerbals and the food mix i buy says that strawberies are like the biggest ingredient
I think that is okay. I use to have gerbils when I was young and my gerbil really loved my leftover pizza crust!! It had tomato sauce on it and strawberries really don't seem that far from tomatoes. Gerbils love corn, alfalfa, and sunflower seeds. Those are foods that they naturally choose.
My rabbits love strawberries.
Small amounts only ,maybe 1/8/of a strawberry>It will like it ,but too much will give it diarrhea.Gerbils love fresh veggies too.Just make sure the pieces are small so they dont get to much and only give them one fruit or veggie a day.
Gerbils and other small rodents like hamsters shouldn't have sweet foods like that. They CAN however, eat apples, bananas and other fruits like that. Try giving your gerbil a vegetable or two, but not lettuce because that can dehydrate them and give them diarrhea.

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